Community Bonding Period

GSoC 2019 with coala

Posted by Akshat on May 25, 2019

Bonding period, as the name suggests is the time for the students to bond with the organisation and mentors. Having contributed since quite a few months I was already familiar with the working of coala as an organization, so I didn’t have much to do during this period. I spent most of my time planning, creating milestones and writing a cEP. cEP-coala Enhancement Proposal, where I basically had to write whatever I had written in my proposal. I was not fun.

Ideally I would have liked to have @Makman2 as my mentor but so would have all the other students. But sadly he does not have any time to mentor a project. My project has three mentors @Vamshi99, @kriti21 and @abhishalya. Vamshi and kriti are previous year GSoC students, and abhishalya is a GCI student.

What do I have to do?

So basically my project is about changing how actions work in coala. What are actions you ask? Action basically means the action to be taken on a result. What is result now? Result is nothing but the “result” of the analysis that coala performs. Currently there are only a set of actions that can be taken on a result. I have to change the action system so that people can define their own actions to be taken on a result. This part, I have figured out. I have to change existing result and action classes, write tests and update documentation for this.

Second part involves providing supporting bears which can give multiple fixes for a problem, which is currently not supported. This part might turn out to be little tricky, only because I don’t have a detailed plan for it. Bonding periods ends in couple of days, and I have to come up with a detailed implementation for this. So I will stop writing now and try to figure this thing out.