My Blog

Where I write sometimes, so I can impart my vast wisdom to all of you :p

GSoC: The End

GSoC 2019 with coala

So it’s the final week of GSoC, finally this dream (it’s feels like it!) of 3 months is coming to and end. Final code submission and evaluations start from tommorrow, so a update on my progress: ...

Coding Phase 3 - Part 1

GSoC 2019 with coala

So I successfully completed Phase 2 of GSoC. It has not been a smooth ride, mainly because one of my mentor backed out of the project and one has not been active in forever. So I have not been gett...

Coding Phase 2 - Part 2

GSoC 2019 with coala

Evaluations for Phase start on 22nd July and I have pretty much completed all my milestones for Phase 2. I have successfully provided support for bears to suggest mulitple patches. It took me lot o...

Coding Phase 2 - Part 1

GSoC 2019 with coala

I spent the whole day removing a component which I shouldn’t have been doing, so left annoyed I thought might as well write the blog, so here I am. Progress till now In Phase 1, I sucessfully com...

Coding Phase 1

GSoC 2019 with coala

It’s IND vs PAK but it started raining so I thought I would write. Submissions for Phase 1 will start in a week and I have made considerable progress so far. What’s the new plan? Till now I was p...

GSoC: Officially begins!

GSoC 2019 with coala

It’s been over 2 weeks since Coding Phase 1 began and 10 days remaining for evaluations of Phase 1 to start, and I am not very happy with the progress I have made so far. To be fair I did take a 5 ...

Community Bonding Period

GSoC 2019 with coala

Bonding period, as the name suggests is the time for the students to bond with the organisation and mentors. Having contributed since quite a few months I was already familiar with the working of c...

How I got into GSoC?

GSoC 2019 with coala

I will be honest, I did not want to set up this blog, because I am not good with writing down my thoughts. I will most probably try to come up with funny, sarcastic remarks and miserably fail at it...